
About Us

Why We exist

3FHi is an inter-faith national NGO, run by technical staff with support from Board Members ( who are eminent faith leaders and scholars in Uganda.  We leverage on the convening power and authority of faith leaders to provide positive local solutions to policy, structural and normative challenges to Women, Children and Adolescent Health (WCAH) in Uganda. Our project work is in 20 districts with intense national level policy engagements.  

Our Approach
Our overarching approach is building programme, advocacy and leadership capacity of faith and religious leaders, including institutions led by them and other organizations that exist to serve them, to sustainably address the underlying structural, bio-medical, behavioral, economic, social and policy determinants for WCAH through change and transformative processes. 

We will build on and expand our work with local, national, regional and global faith agencies and interfaith networks by participating in their meetings and actions, while providing funding, technical, logistical and other support to aid their health interventions. 

We strengthen collaborations with the local faith community around capacity development, advocacy, demand creation, inter-agency coordination and, knowledge generation and learning.

Core Strengths

Our Capacity

3FHi works with diverse faith institutions and structures including Muslims and Christians (protestants, evangelicals, pentecostal and African indigenous faiths) at all levels-grassroots, districts and national. We are engaging with mainstream cultural institutions and with the networks of community based organizations, community leadership, local media and youths in amplifying their voices while influencing the health and gender actions. We have proven capability to engage with media, political leadership and executives at different levels. We have experienced technical staff with enviable leadership from the board members.  With projects coverage across 13 districts, we are well experienced to connect women, children, girls and adolescents, and institutions that serve them with district, national and global health and gender actions.

We are members of various national and global networks including; Reproductive Maternal and Neonatal and Child Health Coalition (RMNCAH+N), Family Planning Budget Advocacy Group, Uganda Family Planning Consortium, Maternal and Child Health Technical Working Group of Ministry of Health, The Advocacy and Accountability Coalition and Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition.

Theory of Change

Strategic Goals

We believe that if faith leadership and their institutions and structures are mobilized, capacitated and engaged; and if they are provided with resources, tools, skills, spaces and networks to share, learn, collaborate and engage; and if their  voices and actions are documented and amplified; then they can become a catalyst for behavior change, effective agency for health care delivery and indispensable actors for policy influencing thus contributing to better family health and wellbeing.
Promoting WCAH in Uganda.
Influencing policies and investments decisions and actions at the district and national level in support of WCAH
Promoting protection of WCAH through eliminating forced and early child  marriage, sexual and gender-based violence and female genital mutilation.
Building programme, advocacy and leadership capacity of FRL, their institutions and allies to better implement WCAH interventions.
Strengthening 3FHi institutional capacity, visibility and sustainability for enhanced growth and programme delivery.

Our Partners