Explore our Projects
- Project Title: Technical Assistance and Support Project (TASP)
Description Summary
Through this project, faith-based organizations and their senior leadership influenced domestic investments for Family Planning (FP) and changed community norms to support uptake of FP.
- 7 District Costed Implementation Plan for FP (DCIPs) in 7 of the targeted 8 districts were developed and launched
- FP Technical Working Groups were established
- Dedicated budget line for FP created.
- Donor: PAI Faith Fund
- Districts:Mubende, Mityana, Kyenjojo, Kagadi, Kabarole, Namayingo, Busia and Iganga
- Date:2018-2019
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Accelerated and Sustained Advocacy Action on FP2020 Commitments (ASAP)
Description Summary
3FHi strengthened the collective capacity of 8 strategic faith based actors to engage with national decision makers to accelerate the achievements of FP2020 commitments. The 8 partners included: Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, Church of Uganda, Seven-day Adventist Union, Orthodox Church, Uganda Joint Christian Council, Inter-Religious Council of Uganda, Uganda Catholics Medical Bureau and Uganda Medical Protestant Bureau. Though this project, an Interfaith Alliance for FP was formed to spearhead coordinated actions with national decision makers on FP financing. The project facilitated national coordinated advocacy activities, meetings and dialogues toward decision makers at the national level, parliament and key influencers to advocate for increased domestic financing for FP.
- An Interfaith Alliance for FP was formed to spearhead coordinated actions with national decision makers on FP financing.
- Enhanced commitments to FP2020 goals and targets was revitalized and secured.
- Donor: UN Foundation/ FP2020 RRM Grant
- Coverage:National
- Date:2019-2020
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Expenditure Count!: Advancing FP Accountability Dialogues
Description Summary
3FHi in partnership with Mityana Diocese of Church of Uganda and Western Uganda FBO Network advanced Family Planning Budget Accountability Dialogues for Family Plain Mityana and Kyenjonjo districts of Uganda.
- The project contributed to improved allocations, disbursements and accountability from the district’s government of Mityana and Kenjonjo to address the unmet needs for FP.
- Donor: New Venture Fund
- Districts:Mityana and Kenjonjo
- Date:2020
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Thrive Project: Enhancing Accountability for WCAH Investments and Performance through GFF/RBF in Uganda
Description Summary:
Faith and Religious Leaders acting as Front-line Advocates monitored RMNCAH+N indicators, targets and commitments that related to Women, Children and Adolescent Health (WCAH).
The Faith and Religious leaders advocated the District Government of Ntoroko to enhance Continuity of Essential Health Services (EHS) for WCAH in their district responses for Covid 19 pandemic.
- A 23.7% budget increase in support of WCAH was realized.
- A 33.6% budget increase for health was also secured.
- A pool of health and WCAH champions comprising of faith and community leaders as well as media and CSO was created.
- The District LG prioritized WCAH in their Covid 19 responses.
- Donor: PAI/GFF-CSO Engagement Hub
- District:Ntoroko
- Date:2020-2021
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Youth Action Programme on Ending Teenage Pregnancy
Description Summary
The project engaged in evidence generation, youth organizing, champions building, and advocacy engagements with the district decision makers towards taking policy decisions and actions to prevent teenage pregnancy, as well as mitigate its impacts.
- Teenage Pregnancy Data sheet was developed.
- Adolescent and youth champions were mobilized and facilitated to engage decision makers on ending teenage pregnancy.
- Policy commitments to ending teenage pregnancy were secured and acted on. .
- Donor: PAI Faith Fund
- District:Ntoroko
- Date:2020
- Pillar:Adolescent Health
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Adolescent Policy Project (APP)
Description Summary: Faith and Religious Leaders are engaging in evidence generation, youth organizing, champions building, and advocacy engagements with the district decision makers towards taking policy decisions and actions to prevent teenage pregnancy, as well as mitigate its impacts. Further, we are advocating the national government to identify and address policy, legal and operation challenges to better realize Universal Health Coverage/National Health Insurance Scheme (UHC/NHIS).
- Teenage pregnancy prevention and impact mitigation frameworks were developed and launched in Ntoroko and Ibanda District.
- District Advocacy Action Plans were developed and adopted in Namayingo and Kyenjojo district.
- Spearheading national dialogues on UHC/NHIS
- Donor: PAI Faith Fund
- District:Ntoroko, Ibanda, Namayingo and Kyenjojo
- Date:2020-2021
- Pillar:Adolescent Health
- Status:Ongoing
- Project Title: Her Diary Project
Description Summary:
The project documented sectoral gender experiences, created spaces for dialogues in order to secure policy commitments to ending Gender Based Violence (GBV) and increased conversation and visibility of Generation Equality Forum.
- Produced (Silent Pandemic) a video documentary of the sectoral experiences of girls and women. The video contains Faith Leaders position and a call to action on the prevention of GBV.
- Screened the Silent Pandemic Video before national decision makers and key influencers and secured policy commitments to ending GBV and promotion of gender equality.
- Donor: New Venture Fund
- Coverage:National
- Date:2021
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Uganda Family Planning Activity
Description Summary:
In partnership with leadership of faith and cultural institutions, we are advocating for increased Family Planning (FP) budget allocation and improved FP integration into the districts and national programs.
- Commitments to prioritize family planning
- Commitment to improve Family Planning integration into sectoral budgets, plans and programs (district & national)
- Commitments to implement existing Costed Implementation Plans for FP (CIP-FP) at the district and national
- Commitments to develop new DCIPs
- New Family Planning operational structures formed-District and National (Technical/Sector Technical Working Groups, etc)
- Budget allocation and increment (%-district, national)
- Family Planning Messaging to address negative social, cultural and religious norms in communities
- Donor: USAID/ Pathfinder
- Districts:Bulisa, Bundibugyo, Butambala, Gomba, Kibaale, Kiryandongo, Kyankwanzi, Kyegegwa, Kyenjojo, Ntoroko and Rakai
- Date:2021-2023
- Pillar:Maternal Health
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Thrive II Project : Increased funding from Subnational Governments for Women Children and Adolescent Health (WCAH)
Description Summary:
The project will target Ntoroko district. We will engage Ntoroko district leadership to institutionalize a policy framework to promote WCAH investments. Additionally, we will strengthen CSOs engagements for effective coordination and accountability for WCA investments in Ntoroko:
- Local population and community actors can identify and prioritize health plans that are responsive to their needs.
- Health indicators for WCAH have improved as government investments in health becomes better and greater, and as all partners for health gear-up to leveraging on their skills and resources for impact.
- The local community actors are able to participate in the development process, leadership and decision-making spaces
- A strong civil society with skills and tools is able to hold government to account on the delivery of quality health services.s
- Collaborative approaches coupled with synergy and resource leveraging is evident as CSO take their space as a valuable partner in policy and service delivery.
- The government has a blue-print, a policy and budget road-map on how to improve maternal, children and adolescent health in the district. In addition, engagements led to prioritization and mobilization of CSOs to invest in women, children and Adolescent’s Health (WCAH).
- Donor: PAI, GFF CSO Engagement Hub
- Districts: Ntoroko
- Date:2021-2022
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Completed
- Project Title: Track It Project : Fostering Family Planning (FP) Commodity Security in Uganda
Description Summary:
We are advancing approaches that that hinge on data use, collaborative engagements, policy and budget dialogues to secure commitments for fostering Family Planning commodity security in Uganda.
We are fostering Family Planning commodity security in Uganda by facilitating adoption of a comprehensive policy actions for better and greater investments in Family Planning supplies.
- Data on Family Planning commodity financing is generated and utilized to inform policy and budget dialogues.
- Foster collaboration and coordination among multiple actors on Family Planning commodity investments.
- Advocacy for Allocation of the committed 25% of 5,972,841.6 USD FP commodities in the financial year 2023/2024
- Ensure mutual accountability between CSOs and government for FP commodities and supplies expenditure
- Release of expenditure data to support accountability engagements, decision making and actions.
- Review of policies that govern procurement, warehousing and distribution of FP commodities
- Donor: Reproductive Health Supplies and Commodity Coalition
- Country : Uganda, National Level
- Date:2022-2023
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Ongoing
- Project Title: 3FHi Capacity Project : Institutional Strengthening Project
Description Summary:
With 12 months grant from USAID/CSSA (Civil Society Strengthening Activity), 3FHi is strengthening her governance, financial, human resources, advocacy and communication capacity, by: reviewing her governance, finance, procurement and human resource practices, policies and guidelines as well developing advocacy and communication strategy.
The goal of 3CaP project is to strengthen 3FHi institutional capacity, visibility and sustainability for enhanced growth and programme delivery.
1. Strengthened institutional capacity of 3FHi for improved program delivery, efficiency and sustainability.
2. Strengthened the technical capacity of 3FHi
3. Strengthened Advocacy Capacity of 3FHi
4. Improved organizational monitoring, evaluation and reporting
5. Staff mentored in Program Management, networking and collaboration
- Country : Uganda
- Date:2023-2024
- Pillar:Capacity Building
- Status:Ongoing
- Project Title: Leverage Project : Advocacy and Accountability for SRMNCAH+N investments in Uganda.
Description Summary:
Through innovative processes for generating, packaging and utilizing data from the community to the national level, and through approaches for strengthening the agency and voice of the National CSO RMNCAH Coalition on accountability engagements, to supporting dialogues with national decision makers and influencers on SRMNCAH+N investments while increasing the visibility of SRMNCAH+N investments, 3FHi, through the LEVERAGE project, is sustaining accountability engagements with the national decision makers to advocate for increased domestic funding and improved accountability for SRMNCAH+N investments in Uganda. Specifically, we are strengthening our work with the National RMNCAH CSO Coalition, improving on data literacy and application, sharpening advocacy and accountability messaging, optimizing on our national networks and cooperation with Eminent Faith and Religious Leaders (EFRL), media and our relationships with elected leaders to hold the government to account on the implementation of RMNCAH Sharpened Plan II 2022–2028 .
1. Increased domestic funding and improved accountability for SRMNCAH+N investments in Uganda.
2. Improved Capacity in accountability capacity of coalition members.
- Donor: PAI
- Country : Uganda
- Date:2023-2024
- Pillar:Advocacy
- Status:Ongoing